Av2 - Morfossintaxe da Língua Inglesa
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As if clauses são as orações condicionais usadas com os termos if
Av2As if clauses são as orações condicionais usadas com os termos if e when. Esse tipo de estrutura é utilizada para falar de planos, situações prováveis e até mesmo improváveis de acontecer. Ainda também pode ser usada para comentar ações realizadas no passado ou que podiam ter acontecido, mas algo impediu.
Andy: Hello, I’m Andy and I’d like to show you my house. Please come
Av2Andy: Hello, I’m Andy and I’d like to show you my house. Please come in! Let’s start in the living room.
Andy: There are two armchairs in this room - I always sit in this one and my wife sits in that one. There is also a lamp next to my chair because I like to read in the evenings.
Andy: This is the kitchen and we also use it as a dining room. There is a big table here in front of the window. There are two chairs as well.
Andy: Now let’s go to the study.
Andy: My wife is a lawyer and she works from home. There is a big desk for her computer and behind the desk, there are shelves where she keeps her books and papers.
Andy: Finally, I’ll show you our bedroom.
Andy: Next to the bed, there is a mirror and, on the right, there is space for our clothes in a big wardrobe.
Marque (V) para verdadeiro e (F) para falso:
( ) “There is” significa “ter”.
( ) “There are” signica “existe”.
( ) “There are” significa “existem”.
( ) “There is” significa “haver”.
Leia as cartas abaixo disponibilizadas em uma coluna de conselhos:
Av2Leia as cartas abaixo disponibilizadas em uma coluna de conselhos:
Dear Agnes,
I am a lover of pets, but I think my neighbours have gone too far. They have a pet snake named Lucille who keeps escaping and ends up in my garden. My neighbours are always very apologetic about Lucille's travels so far, I haven't had the heart to confront them about it. The problem is that I together for barbecues and garden parties. I don't want to ruin this friendship, but feel that a large snake making regular visits to my garden is pushing the limits. Help!
Confused in Croydon
Dear Confused,
Friends shouldn't put friends in difficult positions. Lucille's visit to your garden are obviously causing you a lot of stress and should be dealt with sooner rather than later. This is also a health and safety issue, which your neighbours should be more than aware of as owners of a large snake. I suggest you broach the subject with them next time you get together. Lucille is also at risk from any number of potential dangers in your garden, a point you could bring up with your neighbours.
Análise o texto e selecione a opção que apresenta a resposta certa como “V” para verdadeiro ou “F” ou falso.
( ) O modal verbo "should" tem o mesmo significado de "deveria".
( ) O verbo modal "should" tem a função de pedir "permissão".
( ) O auxiliar "could" é o passado de "can" que indica ação futura.
( ) Seria possível trocar "must" pelo "should" sem mudar o sentido.
Observe a utilização dos verbos no gerúndio e no infinitivo. "It’s Us
Av2Observe a utilização dos verbos no gerúndio e no infinitivo.
"It’s Us Human beings are causing climate change, largely by burning fossil fuels. Rising temperatures correlate almost exactly with the release of greenhouse gases. Before the 18th century, when humans in the industrial west began to burn coal, oil and gas, our atmosphere typically contained about 280 parts per million of carbon dioxide. Those are the conditions “on which civilization developed and to which life on earth is adapted.”
Now, as the use of fossil fuels spreads through the world, the amount of carbon in the atmosphere is skyrocketing — we’re now well over 415 parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere."
Observando os trechos abaixo, quais afirmações estão corretas:
Human beings are causing (1) climate change, largely by burning (2) fossil fuels. Rising (3) temperatures correlate almost exactly with the release of greenhouse gases. Before the 18th century, when humans in the industrial west began to burn (4) coal, oil and gas, our atmosphere typically contained about 280 parts per million of carbon dioxide.
Common promises: ‘I won’t tell anyone’: We always make this promise
Av2Common promises: ‘I won’t tell anyone’: We always make this promise because we love hearing secrets.
Of course, we don’t keep this promise and very soon everybody will know the secret. ‘This won’t hurt’: This is the favorite promise of doctors and dentists. Everybody knows it is a big lie. ‘I will pay you back tomorrow’: Never borrow or lend money ... if that is possible.
Money is Satan eyes; good friendships were destroyed because of the money.”
De acordo com as informações apresentadas na tabela a seguir, faça a associação dos exemplos na Coluna A com as suas respectivas indicações, apresentados na Coluna B.
I. A: That's two burgers, an extra-large order of French fries, and two ice cream sundaes. Anything else?
B: Yes, I´ll have a diet soda, please. 1. promise to do something
II. A: Do I want to go back to the previous version? Do I press Yes or No?
B: I need to do my homework now. I´ll help you when I finish. 2. it is not arranged
III. A: I´ll change! I promise! B: Well, hurry up. I can't wait much longer.
A: Just one more kiss ... 3. offer to do something
News around the world Here is our selection of last week´s true
Av2News around the world
Here is our selection of last week´s true stories
Australia In Sidney, early in the morning, some swimmers were taking a swim in an outdoor swimming pool that was very close to the ocean. The swimmers were very surprised when suddenly the pool assistants started shouting “get out of the water! Quickly!” The swimmers immediately got out. Then they realized that there was a shark at the other end! A large wave had carried the shark into the pool during the night.
Fortunately, none of the swimmers were hurt and the shark was caught in a net and put back into the ocean.
Observe as duas sentenças abaixo que foram retiradas do texto apresentado, as quais apresentam dois tempos verbais diferentes:
I) Then they realized that there was a shark at the other end!
II) A large wave had carried the shark into the pool during the night.
The adverb clauses have the function of an adverb. In this clause we
Av2The adverb clauses have the function of an adverb. In this clause we have some subordinating conjunction to connect the dependent clause (adverb clauses) to the independent clause. The conjunction links the adverb clauses to the word in the independent clause that the adverb clause will modify. hose modifies are made to elicit place, time, cause and purpose of an action. The adverb clause answer the questions: where?, when? and why?, and under what conditions? The same way we have types of adverbs in English, we have some types of subordinating conjunctions that composes the adverb Clause.
De acordo com as informações apresentadas na tabela a seguir, faça a associação dos tipos de adverbial clause na Coluna A com seus respectivos exemplos, apresentados na Coluna B.
I. Time 1. Jack caught a huge fish to have for supper.
II. Manner 2. Jack caught a huge fish just before sunset.
III. Reason 3. Jack caught a huge fish with his new rod.
Observe este excerto: “(1) It’s a good town with good people, and it
Av2Observe este excerto:
“(1) It’s a good town with good people, and it’s where I currently make my living, so it’s necessary.” “(2) (…) the water was so painfully cold that you couldn’t breathe for nearly ten minutes after jumping in.” Os trechos sublinhados nesses excertos são exemplos do que se chama de “adjective phrases”, que é como são chamados os sintagmas que têm função adjetiva, ou seja, de descrever um substantivo (como “water”) ou um pronome (como “it”) usado no enunciado.
Uma “adjective phrase” pode ser simples (1) ou complexa (2), pois o adjetivo pode figurar sozinho ou acompanhado de “modifiers” e outros complementos que são antepostos ou pospostos a ele.”
Os morphemes, grupo de estudo da morofssintaxe, podem ser divididos em
Av2Os morphemes, grupo de estudo da morofssintaxe, podem ser divididos em dois tipos: free morphemes e bound morphemes.
Por exemplo, a palavra singers, consiste de três unidades significativas ou três morphemes: sing, -er, e -s.
De acordo com as informações apresentadas na tabela a seguir, faça a associação dos morphemes na Coluna A com seus respectivos significados, apresentados na Coluna B.
I. sing 1. nos informa que estamos nos referindo a quem pratica o ato de cantar.
II. -er 2. carrega o significado do plural.
III. -s 3. tem o significado lexical, quando está sozinha significa “cantar”.
Apoie nosso trabalho!
Assine Agora