Exibindo questões de 1 a 38.
Quando pensamos nas diferenças entre as línguas, uma das primeiras que
InglêsQuando pensamos nas diferenças entre as línguas, uma das primeiras que pode ser considerada é a de origem da língua, que influencia na estrutura, no léxico, na conjugação dos verbos, entre outros aspectos linguísticos.
Posteriormente, na década de 1990, o inglês Michael Lewis propõe a
InglêsPosteriormente, na década de 1990, o inglês Michael Lewis propõe a abordagem lexical, que afirma que se há a necessidade de fazer-se uma escolha entre o léxico, ou seja, o vocabulário, e a sintaxe, o estudo gramatical, é preferível focar no primeiro, pois o léxico é elemento central e decisivo para a compreensão de um texto, seja escrito ou falado.
Considerando as características da abordagem lexical, analise as afirmativas a seguir:
I. Os itens lexicais podem ser ensinados apenas com o uso da tradução para a língua materna.
II. A gramática é subordinada aos itens lexicais nos textos estudados.
III. Imagens, definições, sinônimos e antônimos são algumas das formas de ensinar os itens lexicais.
IV. Foco na parte semântica da língua, ou seja, na sua função comunicativa.
Um tradutor hábil, perfeitamente familiarizado com a língua
InglêsUm tradutor hábil, perfeitamente familiarizado com a língua, a história, a literatura e os costumes americanos, poderá traduzir, com maior fidelidade, o que os autores americanos escrevem. E, por sua vez, um tradutor familiarizado com a cultura e com o inglês da Inglaterra não terá outras dificuldades, diante de textos escritos por autores ingleses, senão as inerentes à própria função de traduzir.
Avalie as seguintes asserções e a relação proposta entre elas.
I. Dentre as dificuldades e desafios na área da tradução, existem alguns mitos como: qualquer pessoa fluente no idioma pode traduzir e, com a introdução de ferramentas de tradução automática, o profissional de tradução irá desaparecer.
II. Quando pensamos em aprender um novo idioma, é comum sentirmos insegurança, o que é normal quando nos deparamos com algo desconhecido. No entanto, muitas vezes essas inseguranças são causadas por mitos, ou seja, equívocos que precisam ser esclarecidos, principalmente sobre o aprendizado da língua inglesa.
Tanto na tradução quanto na interpretação, existe uma mensagem
InglêsTanto na tradução quanto na interpretação, existe uma mensagem original que, para ser compreendida pelo receptor, precisa ser transmitida segundo critérios de equivalência. Isso quer dizer que o profissional de tradução ou interpretação não irá trabalhar com a ideia de ser ‘idêntico’, a ‘mesma coisa’, mas com o conceito de equivalência. A mensagem de um livro, por exemplo, é a mesma, ainda que seja contada de forma diferente para crianças, jovens e adultos, com a intenção de fazer com que cada grupo de receptores possa compreendê-la da melhor forma possível. O mesmo se dá com uma conferência, em que o intérprete capta o sentido do que está sendo falado e transmite na língua-alvo, não se detendo em usar as mesmas palavras que o orador utilizou. Nessa perspectiva de teóricos da tradução, a equivalência está no plano do discurso, refere-se à significação e é fruto da interação entre o tradutor ou intérprete e o texto escrito ou oral, em que se busca transmitir o pensamento original. Dessa maneira, a operação tradutória é considerada um processo dinâmico de produção, e não um simples processo de substituição de estruturas ou de unidades preexistentes em uma língua por aquelas de outra língua.
March Mournful and Vertical by Karyotákis Marcha fúnebre e vertical
InglêsMarch Mournful and Vertical by Karyotákis
Marcha fúnebre e vertical
Uma tradução de José Paulo Paes.
I stare at the celling’s plasterwork.
Vejo, no teto, ornatos de gesso.
I’m drawn into the dance of the meanders.
A dança de seus meandros de captura.
My happiness, I’m thinking, would lie in heigh.
Minha felicidade há de ser, reconheço, uma questão de altura.
Symbols of the higher life.
Símbolos da vida em culminância.
Unchanging, transubstantiated roses...
Rosas transubstanciadas, absolutas...
Sobre a tradução de um poema Paes (1990) externa que traduzir a poesia era empalhar raios de sol, para quem poesia é aquilo que se perde na tradução, para ele cada idioma traduz uma experiencia diferente do mundo.
A versão original do poema Marcha fúnebre e vertical era na Língua Grega, o autor, Karyotákis, é um representante da geração dos anos 20 na literatura grega.
Paes (1990) apresenta em seu livro Tradução: a Ponte Necessária aspectos históricos, culturais e sociais, do autor e do cenário grego pós primeira guerra mundial, realiza uma análise sintática passando pelos aspectos lexicais e semânticos do poema e relata a utilização do texto original em grego, e de um antigo dicionário grego.
Tradução e interpretação são atividades muito requisitadas na
InglêsTradução e interpretação são atividades muito requisitadas na contemporaneidade, principalmente por conta da globalização e da necessidade de comunicação entre povos de línguas e culturas diferentes. Essas atividades têm características diferentes entre si e, do mesmo modo, exigem habilidades e rotinas distintas por parte de seus profissionais.
De acordo com as informações apresentadas na tabela a seguir, faça a associação dos exemplos contidos na Coluna A com suas respectivas classes, apresentados na Coluna B.
Coluna A
1. Idioms
2. Chunks
3. Collocations
4. Phrasal Verbs
Coluna B
I. I think you should help Joan. After all, she’s your sister, isn’t she?
II. All cats are gray after dark.
III. This weekend, I will be looking after my friends’ baby, they are going out.
IV. Tell your father I was asking after him.
Há vários tipos de textos descritos, tais como: textos persuasivos
InglêsHá vários tipos de textos descritos, tais como: textos persuasivos, instrucionais, informativos, entre outros. Entretanto, os mais conhecidos e comumente solicitados em vestibulares e concursos públicos são a descrição (tipo de texto que descreve um lugar, uma pessoa, ou um objeto), a narração (modalidade textual em que se conta um fato real ou não que ocorreu em um determinado tempo e lugar, envolvendo certos personagens) e a dissertação/argumentação (estilo de texto com posicionamentos pessoais e exposição de ideias com base na argumentação).
De acordo com os tipos de textos estudados, faça a associação dos exemplos contidos na coluna A com seus respectivos tipos de textos na coluna B.
1. Narração.
2. Descrição.
3. Argumentação.
I. It is a typical classroom: a few wooden chairs, a whiteboard and the teacher´s desk. On the wall there is a big old clock and some children drawings. There are no curtains. On the celling two fans and some lights.
II. I was telling in the examining room. My mother was walking back and forth in the hallway, but my father kept me company. The doctor was always late. I knew I would have to wait some more time, so I picked up a torn magazine that was lying on the floor and started reading it.
III. The government should provide more financial assistance to parents who use childcare. Childcare centers may assist children in their early development. Moreover, they may give children an opportunity to mix with other children and to develop social skills at an early age.
Na reflexão bakhtiniana, a noção de gênero textual reporta
InglêsNa reflexão bakhtiniana, a noção de gênero textual reporta ao funcionamento da língua em práticas comunicativas, reais e concretas, construídas por sujeitos que interagem nas esferas das relações humanas e da comunicação. É, no interior dessas esferas, correspondente às instâncias públicas e privadas do uso da linguagem, que se elaboram os gêneros textuais, para responderem às necessidades interlocutivas dos sujeitos que nelas se inter-relacionam. Dada a diversidade de esferas da atividade e da comunicação humana, as quais refletem a diversidade das (inter e intra) relações sócio-culturais dos grupos sociais, os gêneros textuais são múltiplos, heterogêneos, os quais, se abordados sob um ponto de vista teórico-metodológico, situam-se em um sistema continuum de situações discursivas, em cujas extremidades estariam, de um lado, a conversação espontânea e, de outro, os artigos de vulgarização científica.
Tomando como referência que os gêneros textuais são convenções situadas e contextualizadas socialmente, julgue as afirmativas a seguir em (V) Verdadeiras ou (F) Falsas:
( ) Os gêneros textuais atendem às necessidades das mídias com o propósito de transmitir uma mensagem através de um texto em variadas práticas comunicativas.
( ) Não existe um número exato de gêneros textuais, porque eles se adaptam às necessidades do conteúdo pretendido.
( ) Os gêneros estão voltados para a finalidade do texto bem como um tipo de texto, como narração e dissertação por exemplo.
There are different techniques which can be used, while reading a text
InglêsThere are different techniques which can be used, while reading a text, based on our previous knowledge. It is our previous knowledge thar help us “guess” some words, understand and give meaning to a text. Because of that it is necessary to practice different reading techniques with the students in the classroom, these procedures could support students in advancing in English language development and in improving some competences.
De acordo com as informações apresentadas na tabela a seguir, faça a associação das técnicas de leitura contidas na Coluna A com suas respectivas descrições, apresentados na Coluna B.
I. Conhecimento prévio
II. Inferenciação
III. Uso do dicionário
1. Pode ser uma ferramenta que poderá ser utilizada em momentos que encontramos obstáculos na leitura
2. É utilizada também para resgatar mensagens que não são indicadas explicitamente no texto, ou seja, nos ajudará a ler nas entrelinhas.
3. Dependendo da experiência de vida do leitor, podemos ter diferentes interpretações sobre determinado texto.
O que é skimming? A leitura rápida (skimming) permite ter uma
InglêsO que é skimming? A leitura rápida (skimming) permite ter uma compreensão geral do texto, sem ater-se a detalhes. Com essa técnica, podemos encontrar as informações mais importantes contidas no texto.
Ao realizar uma leitura em inglês, é importante nos lembrarmos que
InglêsAo realizar uma leitura em inglês, é importante nos lembrarmos que nem sempre precisamos ter um dicionário ou um tradutor on-line como ferramenta para esse processo. A leitura de um texto em inglês pode ser realizada através de técnicas de leitura, onde em uma delas, por exemplo, é possível buscar no texto somente as informações específicas que precisamos.
Leia o texto a seguir e conecte as ideias dos adjetivos usados
InglêsLeia o texto a seguir e conecte as ideias dos adjetivos usados com os conceitos adquiridos na primeira parte da nossa aula:
Morphosyntax of adjectives. It was the best cottage I’ve ever visited for a winter break. Castle House is surely a quite peaceful place for a holiday with your family. We saw this advertisement on an online newspaper.
Imagem 1: The Castle House The Castle House Fonte: The Guardian “Lodged high against the cliffs, with a huge bay window, a balcony off the master bedroom and a private terrace, Castle House has arguably the best views in Runswick Bay. It’s perfect for watching North Sea storms roll in, and scouring the beach afterwards for what the winter weather has churned up – this is a prime spot and season for fossil foraging. The house, which has two double bedrooms and a bunk-bed room, is a real find, with everything you need and all high-spec, from Farrow & Ball colours and fancy appliances to a cracking wood-burning stove.”
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a associação correta entre as colunas.
Coluna A
1. There is an adjective to change a noun.
2. There is a graduable adjective to describe an object.
3. There is graduable adjective to describe the place with an intensifier.
4. There is a superlative adjective to describe the place.
Coluna B
I. Castle House is surely a quite peaceful place for a holiday with your family.
II. Lodged high against the cliffs, with a huge bay window, a balcony off the master bedroom and a private terrace, Castle House has arguably the best views in Runswick Bay.
III. It’s perfect for watching North Sea storms roll in, and scouring the beach afterwards for what the winter weather has churned up – this is a prime spot and season for fossil foraging.
IV. The house, which has two double bedrooms and a bunk-bed room, is a real find, with everything you need and all high-spec, from Farrow & Ball colours and fancy appliances to a cracking wood-burning stove.”
Imagine uma situação na qual você acabou de ser selecionado (a) para
InglêsImagine uma situação na qual você acabou de ser selecionado (a) para tentar a vaga no emprego que sempre sonhou. A seleção é longa, mas você se preparou com muito cuidado para alcançar seus objetivos. A primeira parte foi uma prova de conhecimentos específicos na qual se saiu muito bem. A segunda etapa foi uma prova didática para testar sua habilidade para ensinar. O terceiro e última estágio é uma entrevista.
Considerando a situação apresentada, analise as afirmativas a seguir:
I. O entrevistado deve evitar fazer de verbos modais.
II. Um dos elementos que podem ser usados para quantificar são os artigos.
III. A estrutura da sentença "there be" é usada para iniciar um tópico e falar sobre existência.
IV. Os artigos partitivos são os mesmo que os indefinidos.
David Bolton and Noel Goodey (p.231, 2014) apresenta a diferença
InglêsDavid Bolton and Noel Goodey (p.231, 2014) apresenta a diferença entre duas universidades na Finlândia.
“Jussi’s University is newer than Mira’s. Recently built, it’s the newest university in Finland.
Mira’s university is bigger than Jussi’s. But the biggest department is the Modern Languages Department at Jussi’s university.
On average, the professors at Mira’s university are younger. The youngest professor is only 26 years old.
The students at Mira’s university are younger than the students at Jussi’s university. This is because Jussi’s university takes more postgraduate students. The youngest students ate studying Psychology at Mira’s university.”
O texto acima sobre as diferenças entre as duas universidades finlandesas pode ser utilizado didaticamente para uma atividade em sala de aula, explorando os termos comparativos e superlativos, pois:
I. O texto emprega todas as regras gramaticas necessárias para o aprendizado do aluno, explorando o contexto coloquial de uso dos termos no comparativo e superlativo.
II. É importante aos estudantes compreendam e empreguem corretamente as regras gramaticais apresentadas em aula contextualizando o seu uso dos termos no comparativo e superlativo.
III. O texto emprega as regras gramaticais do superlativo e comparativo, explorando o contexto coloquial, introduzindo várias regras gramaticais contextualizadas, porém não apresenta o comparativo de igualdade.
Leia o texto a seguir e conecte as ideias dos adjetivos usados com os
InglêsIn a large room a teen girl entered holding a smartphone. She was moving her little fingers without stopping. After a while, she sat beside her grandparent and he looked troubled with his device. The girl sighted, and mimicked taking the phone. He gave her and didn’t tried to understand what she was doing. While she was finishing settling up the phone the ring of the bell filled all the room. The best friend girl joined her, waiting to go to the school.
“Hey, Ally”, Sam said.
“Hello, Sam”, the other replied.
“Just a sec…” she asked.
With a few more moves the device was good as new, and give it back to him.
“What you were doing?” Ally asked.
“Helping my granpa.”
Her friend smiled and said:
“I see.”
Sam shrugged.
“This is not a problem, but he still has to learn how to use his new phone.”
As if clauses são as orações condicionais usadas com os termos if
Av2As if clauses são as orações condicionais usadas com os termos if e when. Esse tipo de estrutura é utilizada para falar de planos, situações prováveis e até mesmo improváveis de acontecer. Ainda também pode ser usada para comentar ações realizadas no passado ou que podiam ter acontecido, mas algo impediu.
Andy: Hello, I’m Andy and I’d like to show you my house. Please come
Av2Andy: Hello, I’m Andy and I’d like to show you my house. Please come in! Let’s start in the living room.
Andy: There are two armchairs in this room - I always sit in this one and my wife sits in that one. There is also a lamp next to my chair because I like to read in the evenings.
Andy: This is the kitchen and we also use it as a dining room. There is a big table here in front of the window. There are two chairs as well.
Andy: Now let’s go to the study.
Andy: My wife is a lawyer and she works from home. There is a big desk for her computer and behind the desk, there are shelves where she keeps her books and papers.
Andy: Finally, I’ll show you our bedroom.
Andy: Next to the bed, there is a mirror and, on the right, there is space for our clothes in a big wardrobe.
Marque (V) para verdadeiro e (F) para falso:
( ) “There is” significa “ter”.
( ) “There are” signica “existe”.
( ) “There are” significa “existem”.
( ) “There is” significa “haver”.
Leia as cartas abaixo disponibilizadas em uma coluna de conselhos:
Av2Leia as cartas abaixo disponibilizadas em uma coluna de conselhos:
Dear Agnes,
I am a lover of pets, but I think my neighbours have gone too far. They have a pet snake named Lucille who keeps escaping and ends up in my garden. My neighbours are always very apologetic about Lucille's travels so far, I haven't had the heart to confront them about it. The problem is that I together for barbecues and garden parties. I don't want to ruin this friendship, but feel that a large snake making regular visits to my garden is pushing the limits. Help!
Confused in Croydon
Dear Confused,
Friends shouldn't put friends in difficult positions. Lucille's visit to your garden are obviously causing you a lot of stress and should be dealt with sooner rather than later. This is also a health and safety issue, which your neighbours should be more than aware of as owners of a large snake. I suggest you broach the subject with them next time you get together. Lucille is also at risk from any number of potential dangers in your garden, a point you could bring up with your neighbours.
Análise o texto e selecione a opção que apresenta a resposta certa como “V” para verdadeiro ou “F” ou falso.
( ) O modal verbo "should" tem o mesmo significado de "deveria".
( ) O verbo modal "should" tem a função de pedir "permissão".
( ) O auxiliar "could" é o passado de "can" que indica ação futura.
( ) Seria possível trocar "must" pelo "should" sem mudar o sentido.
Observe a utilização dos verbos no gerúndio e no infinitivo. "It’s Us
Av2Observe a utilização dos verbos no gerúndio e no infinitivo.
"It’s Us Human beings are causing climate change, largely by burning fossil fuels. Rising temperatures correlate almost exactly with the release of greenhouse gases. Before the 18th century, when humans in the industrial west began to burn coal, oil and gas, our atmosphere typically contained about 280 parts per million of carbon dioxide. Those are the conditions “on which civilization developed and to which life on earth is adapted.”
Now, as the use of fossil fuels spreads through the world, the amount of carbon in the atmosphere is skyrocketing — we’re now well over 415 parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere."
Observando os trechos abaixo, quais afirmações estão corretas:
Human beings are causing (1) climate change, largely by burning (2) fossil fuels. Rising (3) temperatures correlate almost exactly with the release of greenhouse gases. Before the 18th century, when humans in the industrial west began to burn (4) coal, oil and gas, our atmosphere typically contained about 280 parts per million of carbon dioxide.
Common promises: ‘I won’t tell anyone’: We always make this promise
Av2Common promises: ‘I won’t tell anyone’: We always make this promise because we love hearing secrets.
Of course, we don’t keep this promise and very soon everybody will know the secret. ‘This won’t hurt’: This is the favorite promise of doctors and dentists. Everybody knows it is a big lie. ‘I will pay you back tomorrow’: Never borrow or lend money ... if that is possible.
Money is Satan eyes; good friendships were destroyed because of the money.”
De acordo com as informações apresentadas na tabela a seguir, faça a associação dos exemplos na Coluna A com as suas respectivas indicações, apresentados na Coluna B.
I. A: That's two burgers, an extra-large order of French fries, and two ice cream sundaes. Anything else?
B: Yes, I´ll have a diet soda, please. 1. promise to do something
II. A: Do I want to go back to the previous version? Do I press Yes or No?
B: I need to do my homework now. I´ll help you when I finish. 2. it is not arranged
III. A: I´ll change! I promise! B: Well, hurry up. I can't wait much longer.
A: Just one more kiss ... 3. offer to do something
News around the world Here is our selection of last week´s true
Av2News around the world
Here is our selection of last week´s true stories
Australia In Sidney, early in the morning, some swimmers were taking a swim in an outdoor swimming pool that was very close to the ocean. The swimmers were very surprised when suddenly the pool assistants started shouting “get out of the water! Quickly!” The swimmers immediately got out. Then they realized that there was a shark at the other end! A large wave had carried the shark into the pool during the night.
Fortunately, none of the swimmers were hurt and the shark was caught in a net and put back into the ocean.
Observe as duas sentenças abaixo que foram retiradas do texto apresentado, as quais apresentam dois tempos verbais diferentes:
I) Then they realized that there was a shark at the other end!
II) A large wave had carried the shark into the pool during the night.
The adverb clauses have the function of an adverb. In this clause we
Av2The adverb clauses have the function of an adverb. In this clause we have some subordinating conjunction to connect the dependent clause (adverb clauses) to the independent clause. The conjunction links the adverb clauses to the word in the independent clause that the adverb clause will modify. hose modifies are made to elicit place, time, cause and purpose of an action. The adverb clause answer the questions: where?, when? and why?, and under what conditions? The same way we have types of adverbs in English, we have some types of subordinating conjunctions that composes the adverb Clause.
De acordo com as informações apresentadas na tabela a seguir, faça a associação dos tipos de adverbial clause na Coluna A com seus respectivos exemplos, apresentados na Coluna B.
I. Time 1. Jack caught a huge fish to have for supper.
II. Manner 2. Jack caught a huge fish just before sunset.
III. Reason 3. Jack caught a huge fish with his new rod.
Observe este excerto: “(1) It’s a good town with good people, and it
Av2Observe este excerto:
“(1) It’s a good town with good people, and it’s where I currently make my living, so it’s necessary.” “(2) (…) the water was so painfully cold that you couldn’t breathe for nearly ten minutes after jumping in.” Os trechos sublinhados nesses excertos são exemplos do que se chama de “adjective phrases”, que é como são chamados os sintagmas que têm função adjetiva, ou seja, de descrever um substantivo (como “water”) ou um pronome (como “it”) usado no enunciado.
Uma “adjective phrase” pode ser simples (1) ou complexa (2), pois o adjetivo pode figurar sozinho ou acompanhado de “modifiers” e outros complementos que são antepostos ou pospostos a ele.”
Os morphemes, grupo de estudo da morofssintaxe, podem ser divididos em
Av2Os morphemes, grupo de estudo da morofssintaxe, podem ser divididos em dois tipos: free morphemes e bound morphemes.
Por exemplo, a palavra singers, consiste de três unidades significativas ou três morphemes: sing, -er, e -s.
De acordo com as informações apresentadas na tabela a seguir, faça a associação dos morphemes na Coluna A com seus respectivos significados, apresentados na Coluna B.
I. sing 1. nos informa que estamos nos referindo a quem pratica o ato de cantar.
II. -er 2. carrega o significado do plural.
III. -s 3. tem o significado lexical, quando está sozinha significa “cantar”.
A book or movie critical review display a specific structure related
InglêsA book or movie critical review display a specific structure related to certain linguistic features.
Observe column A, which shows the structural parts of the book or movie review, and column B, which brings certain linguistic features:
I- introduction 1- connectives to restate ideas
II- summary 2- past tense to tell plot elements
III- analysis 3- adjectives to evaluate of evidence
IV- conclusion 4- present tense to bring facts
Consider the following statements about the process of writing a book
InglêsConsider the following statements about the process of writing a book or a movie critical review:
( ) In the pre-writing step, you may highlight your ideas using transition words.
( ) In the writing phase, you should consider every structural part in relation to its linguistic characteristics.
( ) In the post-writing moment, you may double-check spelling, vocabulary and the development of your ideas.
Consider the following statements about the written development
InglêsConsider the following statements about the written development process of a letter:
I- The writing process of a letter must take into consideration the objective of the letter, its corresponding characteristics and the person you are writing to.
II- The conditions of production of a text are important elements that take part in the constitution of meaning of the text.
“[...] I propose a generous definition of photopoetry as a form of
Inglês“[...] I propose a generous definition of photopoetry as a form of photo-text that takes, for its primary components, poetry and photography. It is the product of some form of working practice between poet and photographer, be it retrospective or collaborative; or, on occasion, a sole poet-photographer or photographer-poet. Poems or photographs may precede the other, or be conceived in conjunction around a central topic or theme.”
Considering the quote about the definition of photopoetry and the elements that compose this genre, analyse the following statements and classify them as T (True) or F (False).
( ) Photograph and poems, especially the lyric ones, are similar forms, because they present a single point-of-view, a single event or idea.
( ) Narrative poems are the most common to be used in photopoetry, because the narrative is better connected to the visual immediacy of the photo.
( ) Although there are successful junctions of prose and photo, poetry and photography stand out as a unique relation, because of the similarities of both genres.
( ) A text is only classified as photopoetic if the text is placed on the photo, from the moment it is taken.
Having realized that the non-verbal cues such as gestures, body
InglêsHaving realized that the non-verbal cues such as gestures, body language and tone, in communication radically affect the overall interpretation of communication (Archer, 1977) social media tried its best to incorporate these features […]
Considering the ways social media try to incorporate non-verbal features, Analyse the following statements and classify them as true (T) or false (F).
( ) Social media incorporates non-verbal elements, like emojis and memes, to contribute to the tone of the text.
( ) Social media incorporates non-verbal elements to illustrate texts, but they do not work with short texts, like comments or text messages.
( ) Non-verbal elements, like emojis, can help to contribute to the meaning as body language or voice tone do in oral speech.
Considering the statements about stage directions, choose the correct
InglêsSKINNER: (glancing round.) Baxter the detective! The deuce! (Goes to him.) Anything fresh in the paper? BAXTER: Blue Ribbon pulled it off to-day.
SKINNER: Ah, I don’t bet. BAXTER: They’ve caught the man who committed the jewel robbery at Lady Fairford’s. (Giving him paper and indicating paragraph.)
It may interest you, it seems he was quite a swell as well dressed as you are! SKINNER: Was he? The check of these fellows!
BAXTER: You’re right – they are checky! (Looks straight at SKINNER for some moments.) (SKINNER’S face remains perfectly impassive.)
In the quote taken from the play The Silver King, it can be seen many stage directions, written between parenthesis. Concerning this element of the dramatic text, analyse the following statements.
I. Stage directions are part of the dramatic text to contribute with the lines spoken by the actors. All the movements and expressions proposed on it complement what is spoken.
II. Stage directions are important only when there is an object in scene, the expressions and the movements must be inferred by what the characters say.
III. Stage directions are important for the closet dramas and for the readers who decide to read a drama in general, because they help the reader to have an idea of the action as if it was been watched on a stage.
The use of language in articles considerably changes the way your
InglêsThe use of language in articles considerably changes the way your paper is read by editors. For that reason, it is important to keep a formal, scientific tone throughout the text. Read the sentences below and right T for true sentences and F for false ones.
( ) The use of passive voice must be encouraged when writing scientific papers.
( ) If you use abbreviations, you should explain and expand them. ( ) Revising and checking grammar and spelling is highly recommended.
( ) The use of word processing tools as linguistic resources is discouraged.
She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry
InglêsShe walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes; Thus mellowed to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
As it can be seen in the first stanza, mentioned above, Lord Byron’s poem "She Walks in Beauty" is an example of an iambic tetrametric text. Concerning this kind of structure, it can be affirmed that
Book and movie critical reviews are texts that have the objective of
InglêsBook and movie critical reviews are texts that have the objective of presenting and discussing works of art from the literary and cinematographic domain.
Consider the following statements in relation to their production:
( ) When writing a book review, one must not bring any characteristic of the book in order not to unveil spoilers from the story.
( ) Book and movie critical reviews contain descriptive, narrative and persuasive elements.
( ) The aspect of evaluation that is present in the critical reviews depends solely on the writer's opinion.
M annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles
InglêsM annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and other sources. This list cannot be made in a random way because there are some criteria to be
he act of listing itself requires you to know how to use citation styles mostly in what part of the annotated bibliography?
A critical review, like many other genres in academic writing, has
InglêsA critical review, like many other genres in academic writing, has its own structure that must be followed. Your text must be organized in sections so that your reader
understands your point of view.
The section where you are mostly expected to give your opinion regarding a source text is the
According to the first paragraph, in the sentence - PUC SP 2019
InglêsThe drugs don’t work: what happens after antibiotics?
Antibiotic resistance is growing so fast that routine surgery could soon become impossible. But scientists are fighting back in the battle against infection
1- The first antibiotic that didn’t work for Debbi Forsythe was trimethoprim. In March 2016, Forsythe, a genial primary care counsellor from Morpeth, Northumberland, contracted a urinary tract infection. UTIs are common: more than 150 million people worldwide contract one every year. So when Forsythe saw her GP, they prescribed the usual treatment: a three-day course of antibiotics. When, a few weeks later, she fainted and started passing blood, she saw her GP again, who again prescribed trimethoprim.
2- Three days after that, Forsythe’s husband Pete came home to find his wife lying on the sofa, shaking, unable to call for help. He rushed her to A&E. She was put on a second antibiotic, gentamicin, and treated for sepsis, a complication of the infection that can be fatal if not treated quickly. The gentamicin didn’t work either. Doctors sent Forsythe’s blood for testing, but such tests can take days: bacteria must be grown in cultures, then tested against multiple antibiotics to find a suitable treatment. Five days after she was admitted to hospital, Forsythe was diagnosed with an infection of multi-drugresistant E coli, and given ertapenem, one of the so-called “last resort” antibiotics.
3- It worked. But damage from Forsythe’s episode has lingered and she lives in constant fear of an infection reoccurring. Six months after her collapse, she developed another UTI, resulting, again, in a hospital stay. “I’ve had to accept that I will no longer get back to where I was,”she says. “My daughter and son said they felt like they lost their mum, because I wasn’t who I used to be.” But Forsythe was fortunate. Sepsis currently kills more people in the UK than lung cancer, and the number is growing, as more of us develop infections immune to antibiotics.
4- Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) – the process of bacteria (and yeasts and viruses) evolving defense mechanisms against the drugs we use to treat them – is progressing so quickly that the UN has called it a “global health emergency”. At least 2 million Americans contract drug-resistant infections every year. So-called “superbugs” spread rapidly, in part because some bacteria are able to borrow resistance genes from neighbouring species via a process called horizontal gene transfer. In 2013, researchers in China discovered E coli containing mcr-1, a gene resistant to colistin, a last-line antibiotic that, until recently, was considered too toxic for human use. Colistin-resistant infections have now been detected in at least 30 countries.
5- “In India and Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, and countries in South America, the resistance problem is already endemic,” says Colin Garner, CEO of Antibiotic Research UK. In May 2016, the UK government’s Review on Antimicrobial Resistance forecast that by 2050 antibiotic-resistant infections could kill 10 million people per year – more than all cancers combined.
6- “We have a good chance of getting to a point where for a lot of people there are no [effective] antibiotics,” Daniel Berman, leader of the Global Health team at Nesta, told me. The threat is difficult to imagine. A world without antibiotics means returning to a time without organ transplants, without hip replacements, without many now-routine surgeries. It would mean millions more women dying in childbirth; make many cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, impossible; and make even the smallest wound potentially lifethreatening. As Berman told me: “Those of us who are following this closely are actually quite scared.”
7- Bacteria are everywhere: in our bodies, in the air, in the soil, coating every surface in their sextillions. Many bacteria produce antibiotic compounds – exactly how many, we don’t know – probably as weapons in a microscopic battle for resources between different strains of bacteria that has been going on for billions of years. Because bacteria reproduce so quickly, they are able to evolve with astonishing speed. Introduce bacteria to a sufficiently weak concentration of an antibiotic and resistance can emerge within days. Penicillin resistance was first documented in 1940, a year before its first use in humans. (A common misconception is that people can become antibioticresistant. They don’t – the bacteria do.)
Oliver Franklin-Wallis Sun 24 Mar 2019
Construa frases usando o verbo TO BE no PRESENTE - Inglês
InglêsConstrua frases usando o verbo TO BE no PRESENTE, usando as palavras soltas abaixo:
Ex: My brother/ a teacher: My brother is a teacher.
Assinale a alternativa que completa a seguinte frase no - Inglês
Inglês1- Assinale a alternativa que completa a seguinte frase no superlativo:
In a poem, we can find the _________________ language of inspiration.
* 1 ponto more powerful powerfuler most powerful powerfulest
2- Qual o significado da palavra “pop” no poema?
* 1 ponto Imagem sem legenda Apenas abreviar a palavra “popcorn”.
Imitar o som da pipoca estourando. Dizer que a pipoca é popular.
Nenhuma das alternativas anteriores.
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