Disciplina: Inglês 0 Curtidas

According to the first paragraph, it is important - UNESP 2021/Prova I

Atualizado em 13/05/2024

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UNESP 2021

With a world population of 7 billion people and limited natural resources, we, as individuals and societies, need to learn to live together sustainably. We need to take action responsibly based on the understanding that what we do today can have implications on the lives of people and the planet in future. Education for Sustainable Development empowers people to change the way they think and work towards a sustainable future.
UNESCO aims to improve access to quality education on sustainable development at all levels and in all social contexts, to transform society by reorienting education and help people develop knowledge, skills, values and behaviours needed for sustainable development. It is about including sustainable development issues, such as climate change and biodiversity into teaching and learning. Individuals are encouraged to be responsible actors who resolve challenges, respect cultural diversity and contribute to creating a more sustainable world.

According to the first paragraph, it is important to promote a sustainable development because

(https://en.unesco.org. Adaptado.)

  1. there are far too many people for too little natural resources.

  2. individual needs should be considered above social needs.

  3. people will always keep the way they are in the world.

  4. most of the 7 billion people are not aware of sustainability.

  5. it is too costly to achieve without incentives.


Alternativa Correta: A) there are far too many people for too little natural resources.

De acordo com o primeiro parágrafo, é importante promover um desenvolvimento sustentável porque há muito mais pessoas para tão poucos recursos naturais.

Resolução adaptada de: Curso Objetivo

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Recebedor: Wesley Rodrigues

Institução: UNESP

Ano da Prova: 2021

Assuntos: Interpretação

Vídeo Sugerido: YouTube

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