Disciplina: Inglês 0 Curtidas

De acordo com o texto, uma das variáveis que ajuda a - UNESP 2023

Atualizado em 13/05/2024

World’s happiest ranking goes to Finland for fifth year in a row

UNESP 2023

Finland was crowned the happiest country in the world for the fifth consecutive year, with a score significantly ahead of its peers in the World Happiness Report 2022 ranking, published by a body linked to the United Nations. However, the authors detected, on average, a long-term moderate upward trend in stress, worry, and sadness in most countries, as well as “a slight long-term decline in the enjoyment of life,” they wrote.
The report uses global survey data to report on how people evaluate their own lives in more than 150 countries around the world, with the ranking based on a three-year average. Key variables that contribute to explaining people’s life evaluations include healthy life expectancy, generosity, social support, freedom to make life choices, perceptions of corruption, and the gross domestic product per capita (an indicator that measures a country’s economic output per person, that is calculated by dividing the total gross domestic product of a country by its population).
“World leaders should take heed,” Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, said. “Politics should be directed as the great sages long ago insisted: to the well-being of the people, not the power of the rulers.”

De acordo com o texto, uma das variáveis que ajuda a interpretaras avaliações das pessoas sobre a sua própria vida é o

(Kati Pohjanpalo. www.bloomberg.com, 18.03.2022. Adaptado.)

  1. PIB per capita.

  2. respeito à natureza.

  3. lazer.

  4. estresse.

  5. descontentamento.


Alternativa Correta: A) PIB per capita.

Lê-se, no texto:
“Key variables that contribute to explaining people’s life evaluations include healthy life expectancy, generosity, social support, freedom to make life choices, perceptions of corruption, and the gross domestic product per capita (an indicator that measures a country’s economic output per person, that is calculated by dividing the total gross domestic product of a country by its population).”
* gross domestic product = Produto Interno Bruto

Resolução adaptada de: Curso Objetivo

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Recebedor: Wesley Rodrigues

Institução: UNESP

Ano da Prova: 2023

Assuntos: Interpretação

Vídeo Sugerido: YouTube

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