Disciplina: Inglês 0 Curtidas

Survey of geopolitics Geopolitics is a product of its - UNICAMP 2017

Atualizado em 13/05/2024

Survey of geopolitics

Geopolitics is a product of its time, and its definitions have evolved accordingly. Rudolphh Kjellén, who coined the term in 1899, described geopolitics as “the theory of the state as a geographical organism or phenomenon in space.” For Karl Haushofer, the father of German geopolotik, “Geopolitics is the new national science of the state, (…) a doctrine on the spatial determinism of all political processes, based on the broad foundations of geography, especially of political geography”. On the eve of World War II, Derwent Whittlesey, the American political geographer, considered geopolitics “a dogma*... the faith that the state is inherently entitled to its place in the sun”. Richard Hartshorne defined it as “geography utilized for particular purposes that lie beyond the pursuit of scientific knowledge”.

Conforme o texto,

*Dogma: a belief or set of beliefs held by a group or organization, which others are expected to accept without argument.

(Adaptado de Saul Bernard Cohen, Geopolitics of the world system. Boston: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2003. p.11.)

  1. Kjellén e Haushofer possuem visão semelhante quanto à geopolítica, pois concordam que ela faz referência ao Estado.

  2. Whittlesey concorda com seus antecessores ao afirmar que a geopolítica havia se transformado em um dogma.

  3. Hartshorne concorda com Kjellén ao afirmar que a geopolítica mantém-se dentro dos parâmetros estritos de uma ciência.

  4. apesar dos posicionamentos distintos, os autores mencionados estão de acordo quanto aos fundamentos da geopolítica.


Alternativa Correta: A) Kjellén e Haushofer possuem visão semelhante quanto à geopolítica, pois concordam que ela faz referência ao Estado.

Conforme o texto, Kjellén e Haushofer possuem visão semelhante quanto à geopolítica, pois concordam que ela faz referência ao Estado.
Encontra-se a informação no início do texto:
Geopolitics is a product of its time, and its definitions have evolved accordingly. Rudolphh Kjellén, who coined the term in 1899, described geopolitics as “the theory of the state as a geographical organism or phenomenon in space.” For Karl Haushofer, the father of German geopolotik, “Geopolitics is the new national science of the state, (…) a doctrine on the spatial determinism of all political processes, based on the broad foundations of geography, especially of political geography”.

Resolução adaptada de: Curso Objetivo

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Recebedor: Wesley Rodrigues

Institução: UNICAMP

Ano da Prova: 2017

Assuntos: Interpretação de Texto

Vídeo Sugerido: YouTube

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