Disciplina: Inglês 0 Curtidas

According to the information in the article, pond snails - FGV 2014

Atualizado em 13/05/2024


by Adam Hadhazy

1 Flavonoids, a group of chemicals commonly found in plants, are often credited as having “superfood” powers. One of them, epicatechin (epi) — abundant in chocolate, green tea, and red wine — allegedly reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, among other virtues. It is also thought to improve memory. But is that so? The answer, for the memory benefit, is yes, at least if you are a snail.

2 Neuroscientist Kenneth D. Lukowiak of the University of Calgary, Canada, and two colleagues tested the power of epi as a memory enhancer in the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis. Pond snails breathe through their skin when in waters rich in oxygen, but if oxygen becomes scarce, the mollusks go to the surface and breath through an orifice — the pneumostome —connected to a simple lung. By gently poking the pneumostome with a stick when a snail tries to open it, researchers can condition snails to come up for air less frequently. And that is what the team did.

3 They trained snails with the stick in plain pond water and in epi-infused water and compared the duration of their memory. After a half-hour session, snails in plain water learned to attempt fewer breaths — and remembered their lessons for about three hours. Snails exposed to epi, on the other hand, kept up their modified behavior a full day later. And snails trained in epi-rich water for two half-hour sessions continued to surface less often for air three days on. Snails trained in epi also had stronger memories than snails trained in regular water — that is, it was harder to train them to ignore what they had learned.

4 Epi still improved snail memory after the researchers blocked the animals’ serotonin receptors and after they severed innervation to the osphradium, a chemical sensory organ, suggesting that epi might act via a mechanism different from those previously known in snails. “Our present, as yet unproved, hypothesis is that epi directly works on neurons,” says Lukowiak.

Adapted from Natural History, November, 2012

According to the information in the article, pond snails

  1. have two lungs for breathing underwater but only one lung for breathing at the surface of the water.

  2. breathe through their skin when they are out of water.

  3. rely on the pneumostome to breathe when they leave water that contains little oxygen.

  4. regulate their breathing as an automatic response both to extreme climatic conditions and to the presence of strong physical stimuli.

  5. cannot breathe through the pneumostome after they leave oxygen-rich water.


Alternativa Correta: C) rely on the pneumostome to breathe when they leave water that contains little oxygen.

Conforme informação no artigo, as lesmas dependem do pneumostoma para respirar quando saem da água que contém pouco oxigênio.

Resolução adaptada de: Curso Objetivo

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Recebedor: Wesley Rodrigues

Institução: FGV

Ano da Prova: 2014

Assuntos: Interpretação Textual em Inglês

Vídeo Sugerido: YouTube

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