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No trecho do segundo parágrafo “We then look at the - FAMERP 2022

Atualizado em 13/05/2024

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You may want to skip the toppings on your next hot dog, or skip it altogether: Health researchers at the University of Michigan have found that eating a single hot dog could take 36 minutes off your life. In their study, researchers looked at 5,853 foods in the US diet and measured their effects in minutes of healthy life gained or lost. “We wanted to make a health-based evaluation of the beneficial and detrimental impacts of the food in the entire diet,” Olivier Jolliet, professor of environmental health sciences at the university and senior author of the paper, told CNN.
The team came up with an index that calculates the net beneficial or detrimental health burden in minutes of healthy life associated with a serving of food. It’s based on a study called the Global Burden of Disease, which measures morbidity associated with a person’s food choices. “For example, 0.45 minutes are lost per gram of processed meat, or 0.1 minutes are gained per gram of fruit. We then look at the composition of each food and then multiplied this number by the corresponding food profiles that we previously developed,” said the professor.
One of the foods researchers measured was a standard beef hot dog on a bun. Its 61 grams of processed meat resulted in the loss of 27 minutes of healthy life, Jolliet said — but when ingredients like sodium and trans fatty acids were factored in, the final value was 36 minutes lost. Consumption of foods such as nuts, legumes, seafood, fruits and nonstarchy vegetables, on the other hand, have positive effects on health, the study found. “The index is primarily there to help aid in selecting and using calories consumed on a daily basis to tweak a minimum of habits and make the minimum of change to obtain a maximum benefit for health and the environment from our food experience,” Jolliet said.

(Lauren M. Johnson. https://edition.cnn.com, 27.08.2021. Adaptado.)

No trecho do segundo parágrafo “We then look at the composition of each food and then multiplied this number by the corresponding food profiles that we previously developed”, os termos sublinhados indicam

  1. causa.

  2. comparação.

  3. efeito.

  4. sequência.

  5. conclusão.


Alternativa Correta: D) sequência.

*then = então, em seguida – indica sequência

Resolução adaptada de: Curso Objetivo

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Recebedor: Wesley Rodrigues

Institução: FAMERP

Ano da Prova: 2022

Assuntos: Pronúncia

Vídeo Sugerido: YouTube

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