Disciplina: Inglês 0 Curtidas

Roman documents discovered We often think that the best - UNICAMP 2017

Atualizado em 13/05/2024

Roman documents discovered

We often think that the best information from the Roman world comes from Egypt, where the dryness preserves papyri. However, in Britain the reverse conditions occur. At Vindolanda – a Roman fort located two miles behind Hadrian’s Wall – the humidity preserved wooden writing tablets that were thrown into a bonfire when the fort was evacuated in CE 105.
These wooden tablets were one of the most important discoveries made in Roman Britain in the 20th century. They were used not for grand writings but for memoranda and accounts, so they provide the best insight into life in the Roman army found anywhere in the world. One of the tablets says:
Octavius to Candidus: “I need money. I have bought 5,000 bushels of grain, and unless you send me some money, I shall lose my deposit and be embarrassed”.

Os documentos descobertos em Vindolanda

(Adaptado de http://www.archaeology.co.uk/specials/the-timelineofbritain/vindolanda-2.htm. Acessado em 28/08/2016.)

  1. são papiros preservados pelo clima seco da região em que foram encontrados.

  2. contêm informações sobre a evacuação do forte no ano 105 da Era Cristã.

  3. preservam registros de disputas financeiras entre cidadãos comuns.

  4. são registros em madeira, com informações preciosas sobre a vida no exército romano.


Alternativa Correta: D) são registros em madeira, com informações preciosas sobre a vida no exército romano.

Os documentos descobertos em Vindolanda são registros em madeira, com informações precisas sobre a vida no exército romano.
Lê-se no texto:
“These wooden tablets were one of the most important discoveries made in Roman Britain in the 20th century. They were used not for grand writings but for memoranda and accounts, so they provide the best insight into life in the Roman army found anywhere in the world.”

Resolução adaptada de: Curso Objetivo

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Recebedor: Wesley Rodrigues

Institução: UNICAMP

Ano da Prova: 2017

Assuntos: Interpretação de Texto

Vídeo Sugerido: YouTube

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